Electric Actuators:
Diagnosis of Electric Actuators.
Loop test, calibration and tuning.
Repair of electric actuators on site.
Mtto program of electric actuators.

Pneumatic Actuators:
Diagnosis and repair on site and Pneumatic Actuators Plant Type: Rack and pinion, Yugos Scottish, Rotary Vane, Piston Linear Piston Diaphragm Test.
Calibration and tuning.
Maintenance program.
Pneumatic Repair and design controls.

Actuadores Gas Hidráulico, Direct Gas, Electro-Hidráulico:
Diagnosis and repair on site and Hydraulic Actuators Plant Type: Yugos Scottish, Vena Rotary, Linear Piston.
Calibration and tuning.
Maintenance program.
Hydraulic Controls, Repair and Design.
Test Control Systems, Low Pressure Fault, High Pressure Line Rupture, and others.